Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Covering my eyes and hitting the mute button . . .

     I guess I’ll just say it right up front. I HATED Bridesmaid and I ABSOLUTELY hated Bad Bosses. In fact I not even half-watched them; I called the cable company and asked for my money back. (And I got it.)
            I cannot understand paying to watch such garbage. Yes, I said it . . .  garbage. What gets me the most about this style of movie is that the basic storyline is good entertainment. But when every other word is *&#*$*&$$$++ it gets old real fast for me.

            I am embarrassed to be the room with just myself and keep hitting the mute button hoping it will get past all that, I can’t imagine watching it in mixed company or letting kids watch this stuff. But in fact, the momentum of this off-colored script grew even worse the more I tried to watch it.As I kept going in and out of the film, wouldn’t you know it, either there weren’t any decent scenes to happen upon or I just had bad timing.

            The last one I tried to go back to in Bad Bosses I was shocked! If what I had already seen Jennifer Aniston doing and saying wasn’t bad enough, the scene in the bathtub was my last hope. I found myself sooooo disappointed in these actors; especially her. What in the world could she be thinking to stoop so low as to play a part like this? Surely she doesn’t need the money that bad.

            The other thing about being duped into watching these movies is all the media hoopla. They certainly don’t show you those parts in the trailers. I’ve learned to pretty much use my own censoring standards before purchasing one of these new movies, but I struck out twice.

            I am not perfect. (And I am sure there are those out there who will agree with me, absolutely your right too.) But this is not entertainment to me. There are many actors and actresses who agree with me and you will NEVER see them in movies like these. The have maintained their integrity throughout the years and I think movie goers should commend them for it.

            The last thing I have to say about this is . . . it seems bad behavior keeps getting Awarded over and over. If one of these films pulls in one big Award it seems it sweeps the Red Carpet.

            It’s sad. One final, final word . . . someone, who I have a great deal of respect for, told me once when I voiced my opinion on how the Austin Powers movie (not even sure if that’s the title), was the stupidest movie and insulted my intelligence, they said, “It is supposed to be a joke. It isn’t to be taken seriously. Movies like that are an escape for most people to get out of the seriousness of their lives and the stupider and more invasive it is the more people flock to them.”

            Well, call me dumb. I knew this person were right. I am sitting watching this mess making remark after remark and actually squirming in my seat because I didn’t think I could stand another minute of it and all the time the movie was being just that . . . a stupid, intelligence insulting film.

            Okay, I get it. To each his own is very apropos here. This is my opinion and I am sure it is shared by other people and not by some others. That’s fine. But I am entitled to my opinion just the same.

            It isn’t differences of opinions that separates, to me it’s the refusal to allow those differences to be voiced. You don’t have to embrace them, but I think it’s only fair to allow them to be spoken.

            Again, I go back to the writing of fiction. I love it because a character in fiction can have a voice that in the world might be silenced. Our freedom of speech is being tested these days beyond anything that I think our forefathers ever imagined. Things are being allowed to be said and shown that would make our Great Grandparents and Grandparents roll over not once but twice in their graves.

            If it was the showing of an ankle or Rhett Butler’s, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” that got the critics all stirred up in the past, what I half-watched and heard in these movies would cause a national revolt.

          I can’t help but wonder what the next generation will be subjected too? Don’t even get me started on the gore and horror stuff . . . entertainment? . . . really?

1 comment:

David A. Todd said...

Right on, Cuz. I couldn't agree more. I haven't seen either of those movies, and won't based on your description. Finding good video entertainment is getting harder and harder, as Hollywood cranks up the R rated stuff. The biggest grossing movies are G or PG, so why do they make the R ones?

Today I blogged about War Horse at An Arrow Through the Air. And while I say I was somewhat dissapointed in a few aspects of it, it is definitely a wholesome film.