Friday, February 14, 2025


Have you ever wrapped your life around just one Person?

Recently, during an introspective prayer, I realized that maybe the decisions I was making only included one person when God wanted them to include more than just this person.

It’s a hard thing to let a relationship go. No matter what that relationship is; marital, friend, or even family. Trusting that God has a plan is nearly impossible to do. We struggle with whether or not it is God asking us to let go. Are we making a mistake? Are we letting our feelings get in the way? I’ve heard and read that God has a plan for every one of us—saved and not saved.

Every human being God has designed for something. Before the creation of the world, he knew every one of us. That’s a bold statement for some of you to believe. But if you are a believer and read the Word and have a real relationship with the Holy Spirit then that statement isn’t strange to you. The hard part is finding that plan. I have struggled to understand just what it is that God planned for my life. I’m running out of life. At seventy-six years old my time is getting shorter and shorter.

I can look back over my life and it looks like the path of a drunken sailor. Back and forth, stumbling, faulting, stopping, and at times plummeting forward. There isn’t a straight line anywhere in my past. So, I have to ask myself, this major question—have I been walking in the plan and didn’t recognize it?

It's not all been haphazard. The one true thing that I know is that for fifty-three years God has been in my life. I have heard His voice and followed His direction up to this very last move. But, and it’s a BIG but, was this part of His plan? I was optimistic when I moved to Florida. My eyes were on one person and now I see that God has other plans. I wrapped my plans around one person and God wanted my life to include more than one person.

I’m seeing that now although it’s been hard to adjust. It’s always hard to let go of a dream or expectations that don’t happen. You have to sit in the pile of ashes for a while and cry. But coming to grips with reality is the only way out of disappointment. When I woke up this morning at four o'clock and came to write this posting, I heard the Lord clearly say to me that He was giving me the oil of Joy for the spirit of heaviness.

I’ve had to let God lift my head and open my eyes to possibilities of what and who is around me other than that one person. I’m running out of time. I can’t afford to waste any more of my life waiting on this person to make me a priority. Although, they have been my priority for years.

I did something this morning that needed to be done. And maybe my sharing with any reader will enable you to take the same move. I surrendered that place in my heart that this one person has had for years, I found myself realizing that God has been slowly and lovingly cutting that tie so that He can have that place in my life that only He deserves to have. It’s not easy to let go. But it’s probably going to be the second-best thing I have done since believing in God and becoming a Christian.

Giving God that number one place in my heart is another step in salvation’s story. It’s what He is after in every one of our lives, putting Him first. Loving Him more than any other person. No matter what their relationship is with us. It’s hard to read that we are to forsake our mother, father, sister, brother, friend, and any other relationship we form in this life.

When I closed my eyes and bent my head this morning in surrendering all my expectations I had when I moved here, I meant it. I asked God to help me now look around me and see that perhaps it was for more than just one person. Maybe my outlook on the world was too small. Maybe there are other people that God wants to bring into my life that need what He has put into me. Maybe I was willing to just swim in one small pond when God wants to cast me into an ocean of people who will benefit from what I have gone through in my life. Maybe He wants to do the same thing with you.

I don’t see everything yet, but I know that my decision was right this morning. At other times there was hurt and pain and a whole lot of tears, this morning there was peace about letting go. In letting go, it opens us up to new people, new possibilities, and new experiences.

But the main thing is I’m putting God in His rightful place. I don’t ever want anyone to have that place ever again. I’m not saying that I won’t form new relationships and enjoy new people, but I don’t want any person to hold that place in my heart but God.

My footprint here in this blog is small and I only know that it’s being read by the number counting views of my page. So, if it reaches even one person in that respect then I’m fulfilling God’s plan and that’s the whole point of what I do.

I bless you.


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