Do you ever feel like you are never enough? What do you think God meant by . . . small things?
Luke 16;10 He who is faithful in what
is least is faithful also in much, and he who is unjust in what is least
is unjust also in much.
I woke today struggling with some of the small, seemingly insignificant things I do that only God sees me doing. Some of them might be termed OCD, but I don’t put that tag on them. I don’t go around having to touch things three times before I can relax. Some might seem very silly or questionable but let me explain. I’ve included for Biblical clarity what the Word says about being faithful in a job well done—even the smallest ones.
I hate to admit it but not taking the time to finish something
has cost me more than if I had done it right the first time. Does anyone
know what I’m talking about?
So, God trains me in this fault of mine in small simple ways. I hear the Holy Spirit encouraging me before I am about to neglect to do these small things and am encouraged.
Here is one of my biggest small issues. Living in a
community housing where other people use the laundry room also, they ask that
you do two things. Clean out the dryer filter and leave the door open on both
the washer and dryer so it will air out. Not rocket science—small simple
And yet, when I’ve folded my clothes and stacked them, I
realize that the job isn’t done. That’s when something in me groans. Several
times, as I’ve turned to leave, I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit chastening
me. You’d think I was being asked to fly over the building. I start an argument
that I know I’m not going to win. Yes, I can win it, but for the rest of the
night, I will know that I was disobedient in such a small matter. So, as I turn
around, and take the time to do this small insignificant act before I exit the
laundry room I wonder where in the whole scheme of life this even matters. It
doesn’t. It only matters in my life.
It's not about the task, although it does serve a purpose
for the next person using the facilities. The purpose is for my growth in the
Lord. I’ll explain a little further. I was raised by a father who was never
happy with anything I did. I called it, “never enough nuts or raisins.” No
matter what my sister, mother, or I cooked, we either never put enough raisins
or nuts in it or we put too many. We knew from the second we presented him with
a plate that the praise for a job well done wasn’t coming—but we kept trying.
Sure enough, there was always something we neglected to do
right. This is where my current straining to complete the job’s smallest step
pulls at my emotions. “There’s always ONE MORE thing! I never can get it
completely right!”
So, you might be asking, if I know this, then why don’t I
make room for that final step or maybe even do it the minute I open the dryer
door? Wouldn’t that be the wise thing to do? Why wait until I’m forced into the
feeling of disobedience? What is still in me?
I won’t bore you with all the stuff that happens, just one more. When I’m cooking or fixing a sandwich and have gotten everything out on the counter it happens. I fix whatever it is, and I hear that inner voice saying, “Put everything away before you go sit down.” My inner child wants to scream! “Always, one more thing! Always, something I still have to do before I’m done!”
I know I might sound like a crazy person but now I’ll tell you why God deals with me in this way. Friend, it has nothing to do with a lint filter or a jar or two sitting on the counter or a knife needing to be rinsed off in the sink—it’s about God wanting to heal that damaged child that still exists in a seventy-six-year-old woman. It's God’s love yet again softly trying to show me that I can complete the small touches and walk away with hearing Him say, “Good job Susan!” That’s what I never heard in my whole life from a father I desperately tried to please—over and over again.
But God isn’t like that. In fact, He starts his praise and acknowledgment
of being proud of me before I even finish. I’m not a psychologist by any means,
but I’d venture to say that millions of people are still acting out of some
childhood damage to this very day.
I’m shaking my head as I write this because my heart aches
over the thought of how much lasting damage is done by people who were supposed
to love and protect our innocent inner child. They were supposed to teach us
how to learn valuable life lessons positively. Sadly, this one was so ingrained
in me that it goes with me into a laundry room or my kitchen.
I hate it. I hate there is even a trace of it left in me. Believe me when I share this when I say that it isn’t as bad as it used to be! I used to have to stop and cry in frustration over this small problem. Now my turnaround time is so short. I hear it, I take the time to complete this one small final act and then I am free to go about my day. No condemnation followed me nipping at my heels for the rest of the day. No voice accusing me of not having enough nuts or raisins. Just God’s loving praise of a job well done and that He is proud of me.
And finally, we don’t have to do this on our own, we have
help. The Holy Spirit in us is ready to help us to both WILL and heal even the
smallest issue by helping us DO what we cannot do ourselves.
Please finish by reading over these scriptures knowing that
if you have believed in the death and resurrection of Jesus and are saved, that
you have help.
Ephesians 1:13 In Him, you also trusted, after
you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having
believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in
you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
John 14; 26 But the Helper, the Holy
Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things
and bring to your remembrance all the things that I said to you.
I bless you.