Friday, September 20, 2024


Muddy Faith

This might sound like a strange thing to compare your faith in the Lord with—mud.

But that’s where mine was attached to when I went through my health issue over two years ago. I wish that I could say that I had the “Just speak the Word,” kind of faith but I’m not there.

But thank God that even if we can’t have faith so strong to just believe the Word of healing over our lives, we still can be healed. 

That was my path to healing. The Lord spoke to me very clearly that I was to trust Him and that he would overrule all the systems of the world on my behalf. I held to the example of Jesus putting mud on the eyes of the blind man and telling him to go to the pool of Siloam and wash it off. This man had to walk a distance in faith to receive his healing.

I believed that I was healed the minute the Lord spoke to me the night my issue started. But I had to walk to my pool of healing. I believe that it was due to the Lord knowing my level of faith.

I want to encourage anyone reading here, that God knows where you are in your faith. He also knows if you haven’t yet accepted the Gift of salvation through believing in the Blood of Jesus who died for your sins and have asked Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior.

Of everything I could post here, that’s the greatest thing I can offer you. If you are alive and breathing, it doesn’t take a great deal of common sense on anyone’s part to know that the world is in a mess. I haven’t known a time like this in my seventy-five years that I woke up every day wondering what tragic event had happened overnight. It would be alarming if it wasn’t for my trust in the Lord. Even if it’s a muddy faith.

God loves us so much that He lives within us at the level of faith we have. He spoke something to my spirit the other day while I was praying about the current matters at hand that really made me stop and think about what He said.

I had read a devotional about not giving up on prayer. Even when it doesn’t seem that God is working it doesn’t mean that He isn’t. This scripture came to mind. 2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful (true to His word and His righteous character) for He cannot deny Himself.

God spoke very softly to me, “I have too much invested in you to give up on you; not that that will ever happen anyway.”

Maybe you don’t believe that you can have a real conversation with Almighty God. I know, it’s an amazing thing to even think about. But that’s the mystery and beauty of knowing God as your Savior, Friend, Lord, and Lover of your soul.

I can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t accept this incredible gift of God. But sadly, many won’t.

If you are interested in reading about my Muddy Faith. You can buy a copy here.

I bless you.


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