I am reminded of the young girl who thought her life was passing her by and lacked the inner fortitude to finish the things she started - ending up cooking through Julia Childs' Cookbook and became not only famous for it, but ended up with a book, movie and who knows what else.
Do I believe in miracles? Absolutely. Do I feel that there are millions who hunger for some of the same internal longings that I do? There has to be, the world is too big for there not to be other frazzled souls who have so many words racing through their minds seeking some link to birth them into expression.
Words will be THE big star here on this blog; Words, lots and lots and lots and lots or words. The No Reason being, is that writing them down and hoping someone will read them is second to my heart, my son holds first place.
The love of writing is maddening. So why does one do it? Only those who love it as well can answer that. But I am not even sure that if you combined all the suggestions as to why writers love to write you would have a sane reason. I often wondered why at an early age I coveted white paper, clean smooth notebooks, sharpened pencils and even the smell of crayons. (To this day I can’t walk past the stationary department and not want to bring home piles and plies of notebook paper. I was so enamored by it as a child, that my mother had to hide my school supplies from me or I would have them all written on before the first bell rang.
OH! The glory of being handed those supplies! I can still remember the feeling of complete joy. Starting school was only anticipated because of the on going romance with learning and writing all that I learned on paper.
Being raised rather lower than middle-class, school starting, Easter, one’s Birthday, and Christmas brought immense pleasures that were few and far between. I am glad that I still have those feelings in my heart. I am very thankful for them. That the simplicity of crayons and a coloring book were not lost on my child heart or the joy those simple gifts were a part of making me who I still am today.
I have a hard time understanding this manic electrical device era. It has robbed our minds of thinking or expressing our imaginations. Why bother? Simply a key stroke away is a bedazzling digital, 3-D, bigger than big world with every already imagined character you could ever want. I am not so sure but that this has caused the current medical diagnoses of Attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHA). But that is another post on a day that I am on my soapbox.
Today is about me and why I am starting this blog. How living with this desire to write has elated, energized, saddened and been the schoolmaster that at times sends me screaming into the night.
So today I decided that if it remains a party of three ( me, myself and I) that laughs, cries, ponders over and otherwise loves what gets written here, than so be it. It has to come out! I can no longer wait for the world to beat a path to my door. I am flinging open the door and welcoming in whomever… within reason. (That is the one reason that will have limits.)
So, I guess it is time to get on with the building of the site, the postings, referencing my books and hopefully linking up with other afflicted souls. Because misery loves company, we know who we are. Writing is a self- imposed passion that with the writing of each word brings about the need for the next and the next and the next and the……
1 comment:
And so it continues... Happy writing to you today. Thanks for adding me on your site too!
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