Sunday, June 30, 2024

Did you wake up this morning in a blessing?

I’ll start by saying that my boast is in the Lord. Where I now wake up every day is due to nothing but God's loving-kindness. I’m in the new home that I prayed for about over a year. I had no idea how overly abundantly above my prayer God would answer.

I’m tucked under His wing. If you are a Christian reading this then you understand the reference. In this ever-changing world, knowing that your life is under God’s care is worth more than anything money can buy. Finding myself there causes me to praise and thank Him every day.

But, God is no respecter of persons. Yes, it is true, He loves everyone and gave His Son Jesus so that we all might come to the saving grace of God. But not everyone will accept the gift of salvation. This is an unbelievable event to me. Who would reject such a gift? Yet, you might be one of those very people. That is why using my voice here I cannot help but offer to you the Gift of the salvation message.

My voice is small in this world. But how I use it can have far-reaching outcomes for the Glory of God. That’s what He wants from your life too. There’s so much waiting on you; you have no idea. If you're a believer who comes here to read my postings then I pray that you will always receive something you can carry off into your own life and the lives of others. Only what we do for the Lord will carry over into Heaven.

Recently, my sister went through some things that she has saved for years and asked me to find the value of them. It’s going to be a task for sure. While I have been searching for these things online it has come to me several times that no matter the value, one day they will not matter at all. Sure we pass on to family members the things we gain in this life, but they will not keep them either. Material things just keep being passed from hand to hand. But none of it will make it out of this world.

The only thing we have of any value to God is our souls. The saddest thing is to gain the whole world and end up losing your soul. For some of the wealthiest men in the world that is going to happen if they don’t know the Lord.

What will it have all been worth? And sadder yet is that they won’t know the truth until it’s too late. When they finally stand before God and cry out knowing now that He did exist, and that their eyes were blinded; leaving them eternally separated from God.

Yet each one of us can run the risk of doing the same thing. I hope that one of the main things I will accomplish with this blog is to move you to jealousy. Not of me but of the goodness of God.

Our source is and should always be God. I recently read this statement, Not from the government down, but from the people up. It was the truth about where the hope and help for our country will come from. It just goes along with my thoughts today.

God has clearly said in His Word, 2 Chronicles 7: 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

There it is. The answer to our country’s woes.  As a Christian, I pray every day for this Nation to come back under the covering of God; That what our forefathers established this nation upon will come back. It’s the first prayer God instructs us to pray every day as believers. The second is for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel.

I’ll leave you here to reflect on your thoughts.

I bless you.

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